Many agencies have relied on WEBB for all of their water infrastructure engineering needs since 1945. Today, they continue to trust our ability to keep ahead of the technical and regulatory trends needed for current and future project success.
WEBB recognizes the need to utilize all available water resources including groundwater, imported surface water, and recycled water.
County of Riverside Economic Development Agency – Well No. 8 Pureflow Fluoride and Arsenic Removal System
Project Profile
WEBB recently completed groundwater extraction Wells II-10 and II-11 for the Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA) as part of the Phase 3 Expansion Project. Both wells are located within the Chino Desalter Well Field on parcels of land in the cities of Ontario and Eastvale. WEBB provided professional engineering services for design, bid, and construction phases for the equipping of these wells.
Well II-10 has an approximate production of 3,300 GPM and Well II-11 has an approximate production of 3,100 GPM. WEBB also provided final design of the raw water piping system to which the wells will connect. The third well, Well II-12, is currently under design and will be a part of the Archibald Plume Clean-up Project.